Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Sonaholics! family getting bigger & bigger ! Congratulations Sona for reaching ONE million fans on twitter.. we love you!

Avni A. Zia (@princessme_rox)

A BIG congratulations for reaching 1million fans Sona. :) Its truly a proud moment for all the Sonaholics. Just wanted to tell you that we love you to death. We will always stand by you, no matter what. Your hardwork and efforts will never be ignored by us. You are a superstar in true sense, don't let anyone bring you down. 
You are a huge inspiration for me. Keep smiling and be the way you are. 
Love you loads,
Krisha (@krisha93)

To the Princess of my dreams: From THODE BADMAASH to BURGER CHAAP, WHAT NONSENSE to COMMON ARJUN, FULL VOLUME to ZARA SI MEHNDI and then finally RIGHT HAND ka power, u've committed one big crime: MERE JAAN LE LIYA AAPNE!!!! I love u for being so honest, frank, straightfor ward, frenly, innocent & talented!!! That's what sets u apart from all the rest... BLESSED WITH SUCH LOVELY NAME, u alway s bring me good luck.... Willing to see your zillion dollarmore often on the screen... Congratulations, for shooting a cupid arrow.
Rajesh (@)

Dearest Sonam,
Many congratulations on crossing your first million. This is such an exciting benchmark that you have achieved. I am so proud of you, so proud of being part of the 'sonaholic' family. I think you're so beautiful, so stylish, so elegant, so awesome. You deserve it. I have always been so impressed with whatever you do. It is because of YOU that I have started watching bollywood films. So, i am ever thankful to you for that. You are such an excellent person, and recognition of this kind or of any kind infact, is well deserved. You mean the world to me. I want you to pursue your dreams, I want you to be able to achieve great heights of success, I want you to be happy, always.
Wish you continued success and lots of happiness.
Keep smiling, be happy, be blessed.
For you, It is a graduation of sorts. You're now a millionaire. lol :p
Love, regards, thanks.
Aby (@sonamkholic)

p.s. - i didn't bake that cake. got it off the net. haha

Congrats Sona on getting 1 million followers/sonaholics.. whoops you deserve more than this...many more. Keep cheering up your fans, love you a lot and stay blessed.


A Million!!
To the most inspirational, beautiful, wonderful and down-to-earth woman EVER!

HUGE congratulations on reaching One Million Followers. You're special for a reason sona, and reaching a million is just one proof. Here's to many more!!  Keep inspiring, stay happy and continue rocking my life!! A million is just the beginning for you. A star, a fashionista and a true representative of our generation.

Keep smiling! Muchos love and hugs xoxo
Faheema/Famzy (@Famzyk)